Ethel Ann Hopson

Ethel Ann Hopson was my great-grandmother on my father’s side. She is my grandmother’s mother. She was born on January 11, 1903 – most likely in Montague, Texas. I say that because this is where she lived during the 1910 federal census. Sometime between 1910 and 1920, she moved to what today is known as Waurika, […]

John Henry Richardson

John Henry Richardson is the brother of my 2nd great-grandfather, William Alexander Richardson. He is the son of John Durk Richardson. We know that during the 1880 US Census he was 2 years old, so that means he was about about 1878. This makes him 4 years younger than William Alexander. This record also says that he […]

Benjamin Franklin Price

Benjamin Franklin Price was my great-grandfather. He’s my grandmother’s father. He was born on August 08, 1901 in Mineral Wells, Texas. It’s a place most people have never heard of. Mineral Wells, Texas is located west of Fort Worth. It’s best known for its mineral springs and well that’s about it. It’s not really a big […]

John David Richardson

John David Richardson was born in 1720 in Randolph, North Carolina. He received a delayed birth certificate and that is how we know his full name. (Roll # NCVR_B_C081_68002, volume 16, page 369) He is the son of Stephen Richardson and Mary Trueblood. I don’t have a lot of information on him. I think he might have died […]

David Richardson

David Richardson was born in 1760 in Cumberland County, North Carolina. David Richardson is the son of John David Richardson and the father of John David Richardson. Confusing? Yeah don’t worry, it was for me too. David Richardson lived in Moore County, along Buffalo Creek, a tributary of Deep River. We know that Jonathan David Richardson was […]

Thomas Richardson of Standon

Today we are going to talk about Thomas Richardson of Standon or Thoms Richardson. He is the son of Thomas Richardson II of Westmill and the grandson of Thomas Richardson I of Westmill. Thomas Richardson of Standon is my 12th great-grandfather. This is a person that I was struggling to verify information about. Luckily the […]

Alex Jessy Richardson

Alex Jessy Richardson was also known as Jake to his friends and family. He also has gone by the name of AJ. Alex Jessy Richardson was born on July 5, 1935 in Paradise, Texas. His father was Rubin Nemon Richardson and Mary Vivian Phillips. He was my great uncle. On October 26, 1970 he married […]

Jonathan David Richardson

John David Richardson (Jonathan David) was my 5th great grandfather. He appears to have been born and died in Moore, North Carolina. He is also known as Jonathan David Richardson on some official documents. Sometimes I swear it would probably be easier to find your family members if you just had a list of every […]

Thomas Richardson

What I love most about genealogy is that it’s like a mystery and you have to dig and figure out how to solve this puzzle – these puzzle pieces just so happen to be parts of my very existence. Today we delve into the mystery that is Thomas Richardson. Now there are a lot of […]

John Durk Richardson

John Durk Richardson was born on April 22, 1847, in Moore County, North Carolina. He died on January 17, 1926, in Balsora, Texas when he was 78 years old. In the 1880 United States census (he was 33) we know that he moved his family to Parker County, Texas which Google Maps tells us is […]